Nķgerķa eša Ķrland

Žaš žekkja sennilega allir Nķgerķubréfin, žar sem fólki eru bošnar hįar fjįrhęšir fyrir aš "lįna" reikninginn sinn svo aš hęgt sé aš millifęra stórar upphęšir sem einhver Shell kall lét eftir sig žegar hann dó meš sviplegum hętti.

Ég var aš fį eftirfarandi tölvupóst. Nokkuš skondiš žar sem ég er alls ekki i Bandarķkjunum og get ekki ķmyndaš mér aš the US Chamber of Commerce hafi mig į skrį. Fyrir utan žaš er +44 Bretland, ķrsk sķmanśmer byrja į +353. Svo er žetta ekki ķskt póstnśmer. Njótiš og umfram allt, ekki falla fyrir žessu ef svona póstur lęšir sér inn hjį ykkur.

Part time Job Offer
My name is Eng.Aaron Smith. I just came about your email address through an email listing affiliated with the US Chamber of Commerce and I would be very interested in offering you a part-time paying job in which you could earn a lot without quitting your present Job or having problem with your employers.I am a man with 4 kids all boys and the love of my life, my wife. I am a some what multi talented man and I do quite a lot of traveling and get to meet quite a lot of people. I just resigned my job as a research Engineer for ARINI (Agricultural research Institute of Northern Ireland ) but I still work as a freelance consultant for the institute which gives me very much time to do my own work which is basically being a freelance researcher who could be employed by research institutes to do research projects anywhere in the world. I reside in Ireland, Dublin even though I have lived most of my life in other parts of the world, I am fully residing in Ireland.
    Presently, I have just been granted a funding to head a research project in the
    tropical regions of West Africa regarding rare and vulnerable plant species and this would be commencing very soon.
    However my funding were by my American counterparts who send me the bunch of payments mostly in US based money orders. Getting an accountant in the states or opening an account would have been my best choice but I have a deadline to meet and taking any of those choices would cost me time and a whole lot of other requirements. I am not ready to deal with,as I would be traveling a lot in the meantime.
    So presently, assuming you would be able to deal with cash, I would be willing to employ you on contract basis to be my payment representative back in the states
     this way I could issue and make payments in form of Money Orders, Cashier's Check, etc out to you, you could then cash them easily, withdraw 10% of the total amount on these payment instruments as your commission and then send the rest back to me through wire transfer.
    Please, bear it in mind that we would be dealing with quite a handful of cash and you a could be making up to $5000 just working with me in a short period of time within 1-2 weeks. I would be glad if you accept my proposal and I intend to commence on starting as soon as you are ready. If you are interested, please email me back so we could make concluding arrangements with the following informations about you:
    Name: .......
    Address: .........
    State: .............
    Zip Code: ........
    Occupation: .............
    Contact phone numbers: ..
    Eng.Aaron Smith
    Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland
    borough, Ireland BT26 6DR
    +44 7045710331

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1 Smįmynd: Gunnar Helgi Eysteinsson

Takk fyrir žetta góša rįš  

Gunnar Helgi Eysteinsson, 1.9.2007 kl. 22:32

2 Smįmynd: Villi Asgeirsson

Ekki mįliš. Mér skilst aš žeir lofi manni pening, en til aš geta millifęrt žurfa žeir fyrst greišslu fyrir hitt og žetta. Žęr eru smįr til aš byrja meš, svo žegar bśiš er aš bķta į og mašur bśinn aš setja pening ķ dęmiš, žurfa žeir meira. Fólk borgar svo aftur og aaftur til aš tapa ekki fjįrfestingunni. Žegar fólk fer aš pirrast, hverfa žeir.

Villi Asgeirsson, 2.9.2007 kl. 08:59

3 Smįmynd: Jórunn Sigurbergsdóttir

Ég eyši öllum svona pósti og lķt ekki į hann. 

Jórunn Sigurbergsdóttir , 2.9.2007 kl. 11:19

Bęta viš athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.


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